12 February 1998 Meeting Minutes

Boone County REMC Meeting Room
6:10 P.M.

Pursuant to Notice given all members of the Board of Directors via Electronic Mail.

Meeting was called to Order by President Wallace and the agenda was pursued as previously distributed via E-Mail. Present were John Wallace, Terry McCain, Tom Garoffolo, Dave Truitt and Kelly Murphy. Kelly took Jack Hughes place with the Lebanon Schools as the Coordinator of Technical Services.

President Wallace welcomed all those to the meeting. John Wallace noted that Kelly Murphy was present and he made a motion to appoint Kelly to the vacant position of Jack Hughes. The motion was seconded by Terry McCain and carried by acclamation.

ITEM I: System Administrator's Report - Terry indicated we are really growing. We have had 1,000 visits to the BCCN home page the past month (35,805 accesses to the server all together). Several new business links have been added. Adding about 10 new E-Mail links per week. The pages have been modified lately on several portions of the site. A new item not on the agenda within this area was the addition of more governmental links on the governmental page, particularly those related to elections. Terry proposes a questionnaire to be sent out to each office seeker to provide a bio and info that could be posted on the BCCN site. There could be a list of questions posted with equal time and space to those who respond. There have been requests for more photos from sights around Boone County.

ITEM II: Content Report - John indicated the Hussey Mayfield library is now on our site. This was wonderful news. The Zionsville Town Council is also moving forward and there is some interest from the Parks Board also. Western Boone would like to use the server as well as a resource.

Beth Castleman and the Community Foundation has expressed an interest in an electronic data base for the public to access. This would work in conjunction with the Boone County Emergency Management Agency that Betsy Galloway works with on a part time basis as the Executive Director.

ITEM III: Treasurer's Report - Monte could not be here this evening due to personal commitments. There is roughly $10,000 in the bank per John. The Intelenet contract (the customer of record) has paid for the T-1 bill and there will be a reimbursement for prior bills on the T-1. Conversation ensued with Kelley about continuing the partnership with the school on hosting given the establishment and installation of the Sun Server in LHS and no cost to the school. Kelly indicated there is a need for update on E-mail services at the school corporation.

ITEM IV: '98 Invoices - John passed out the '98 Invoices that Monte had prepared.

ITEM V: Annual Meeting and Member Dues - Dues are $25.00 for the year and the suggestion that came from Monte was to send the notices out by E-Mail that same are due for payment.

ITEM VI: BCCN and Use of High School Labs - BCCN would like to keep its Sun Server working with the Lebanon Schools. Ideally they would like to keep the server on the outside of the firewall once established. So long as Kelly is part of the BCCN Board and Organization, BCCN should be able to use the computer lab at LHS for workshops. Kelley helped establish the "link" for this helpful source of workspace. All scheduling will be closely coordinated with Kelley as far as use of the facilities.

ITEM VII: End of Fiduciary Relationship with Lebanon School Corporation -

John updated Kelley on the inner workings of the fiduciary relationship with the Lebanon Schools. The complexity of the school operations sometimes impairs the "liquidity" of the BCCN Invoices and Bill Payments. Terry related that Jerry Selby reported on Project Literacy and how they had removed themselves from the fiduciary relationship with the Library. Terry pointed out that the BCCN Insurance was through a rider on the schools policy. Discussion ensued and it was decided to look into the provisions of the insurance arrangement prior to taking any final action. This topic will be revisited next month.

ITEM VIII: TCI Commercials - John expressed an interest in having a production commercial made for the organization. The cost is very reasonable - roughly $225.00 and the actual airing of the final product is $3.50 per showing. This is a reasonable rate available to not for profit organizations such as ours. Perhaps the new technical video education courses at the High School could assist in the filming of the commercial which would help lessen costs.

ITEM IX: ICNA Invoice - Does this need to be renewed? This was originally part of the grant requirements. The organization is now meeting on line rather than in person on a monthly basis. Authorization was given to pay the $100.00 dues for the coming year and then reevaluate on a year to year basis.

On a closing note John mentioned INDICO - for those communities that do not have a community net or a team that could run a local net. It was an attempt to generate more interest in community nets. This came about as the state was looking for a way to provide access to those areas that do not have the community nets. The question is - is there a link to our site ? There should be a direct link to Boone County on the list of counties that appear on the site. This is still in a test directory at AI and in the programming stage. All operating under the auspices of AI.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

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Last updated: 15 February 1998/tlm.
This page maintained by Terry McCain, BCCN.